Thursday, July 24, 2008

The RSS Feeds You Subscribed in Orkut May Have Gone Missing

orkut-rss-feeds Sometime back, Google added a feed reader in Orkut that would let anyone read blogs or view photo streams without having to leave the Orkut website.

The feature got lot of good press because it indirectly helped introduce the concept of RSS feeds to people who may be active on Orkut but have never paid attention to those orange XML icons before.

The support site has a page devoted to adding feeds but it looks like Orkut may have silently dropped the RSS feature with the introduction of OpenSocial Applications. The Feeds page on Orkut is now returning a 404.

It’s obvious that third-party developers will quickly build RSS reading apps for Orkut, like they have done for the Facebook platform, but am not too sure if these apps would be able to retrieve the feeds that you earlier subscribed to in Orkut.

Update: The RSS feeds in Orkut are still available though the location has changed. To access your Orkut RSS feeds, go to - Thanks for the tip Kunwar.

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