Friday, July 25, 2008

Sorry! BlackBerry Phones Are Not Allowed Inside the Amusement Park

smartphones banned

Last year, authorities at IIT Bombay decided to cut off Internet access in hostel rooms for couple of hours in the night because "students preferred to sit in their rooms and surf the net rather than interact with their mates."

Rashmi Bansal had a similar experience during her visit to the IIM Ahmedabad and IIM Indore campuses - "the dorms had a deserted appearance. People just don’t feel the need to hang out in the common area on every floor. They’d rather communicate online."

Now an amusement park in the UK has introduced PDA Free Zones where adults will be asked to enter without PDAs and smartphones so that they get to "reconnect fully with their families". Any parent seen using the PDA or a smartphone will have it confiscated by the PDA police at Alton Towers.

This decision is partly based on a research that says "kids are fed up with their parents spending more time reading their emails than having fun with them."

Some historical monuments in India like The Taj Mahal and Red Fort have also been declared PDA-free zones but for a different reason - security.

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