Friday, July 25, 2008

Twitter Hack: Find People Who Share Your Web Pages on Twitter

twitter-search-logoThere’s no Technorati or Google Blog Search like ego-surfing service for Twitter to help you find people who have shared your blog articles in their Twitter messages.

True, there are search engines like Summize or TweetScan but they work only for words and phrases - you can’t use them to see who’s linking to your web pages.

techmeme twitterThe reason why we can’t search for URLs in Twitter search engines is because this micro-blogging service auto-converts all hyperlinks to short URLs generally using the service. There’s however a workaround - let me explain with a real example:

Louis Gray wrote an article on Blogging 2.0 that is currently one of the top stories at Techmeme. The story may surely have generated lot of discussions on Twitter as well but how do you confirm that ?

Go to and generate a short URL for that same blog post. TinyURL is intelligent in the sense that if it has already shortened a web address before, it will return the same URL and won’t generate a new one.

twitter search

And that’s the trick. Once you know the corresponding short URL of your web page, just paste that inside Summize and hit the search button.

Summize also provides a feed for search results so you’ll automatically know when more twitter members talk about your blog post on Twitter.

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