Friday, September 12, 2008

Yahoo! RSS Feeds Available for Web Search, Images & Video Search

Yahoo RSS FeedsFollowing this story on Windows Live Search tricks, Polly Alida shares a simple hack that will help you create RSS feeds for Yahoo! search pages.

And you are not just limited to web search, the same trick can also generate RSS feeds for Yahoo! Images, News and Video search results.

RSS Feeds for Yahoo! Search Results

Following are the different feed addresses for Yahoo! - just replace keyword with your own search query or phrase before subscribing to that feed.

Web Search: appid=yahoosearchwebrss&query=keyword

Videos: appid=ysearchblog&format=mpeg&query=keyword

Images: appid=yahoosearchimagerss&query=keyword

Yahoo! News:

The images and video clips are available as media enclosures in the RSS feed so you can directly download them locally via any pod-catcher or your news reader itself.

SEO folks will also find these feeds useful for tracking new web pages that may creep up in Yahoo! search results for keywords of their clients or even for checking penalties.

Digg Stumbleupon Reddit Blinklist Furl Spurl Yahoo Simpy

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