Friday, July 25, 2008

Adobe Creative Suite Software Available for Rent; Pay Per Month

adobe software rentA full licensed copy of Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium edition can cost up to $1,800 which may well be out of reach for many web professionals.

Now if you need a copy of Adobe CS3 Suite for a new design project but cannot afford to pay the full cost of the software, there’s a new option - just rent the software from Adobe for the duration of your project.

Adobe in Australia has introduced a new subscription model where you can use their Creative Suite 3 software by paying a monthly rent of A$ 199. The fee for first month will be $129 including the cost of CS3 installer DVD.

And if Adobe releases Creative Suite CS4 during the subscription period, your CS3 suite will qualify for an upgrade without having to pay any additional costs.

This scheme is introduced on a trial basis only in Australia but could extend to other parts of the world if successful. It is very similar to the Office 2007 prepaid edition that was introduced in India late last year.

More details on Adobe Australia website.

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