Friday, September 12, 2008

Download Free PDF Book from Amazon - Blue Planet Run

blue planet run pdf book

Don’t miss this. Blue Planet Run is a book with over 250 awe-inspiring photographs captured by some of the world’s top photojournalists. The idea is to help you know about water problems faced by people in different parts of the globe.

Here are some pictures from the ‘Blue Planet Run’ book:

40 billion - The number of hours spent each year in Africa due to the need to collect water.

People wrestle in Delhi for water.

The hardcover sells for around $45 on but they now provide a PDF version - Blue_Planet_Run.pdf (38 MB) - that anyone can download for free. You don’t need an Amazon account to download the book in PDF format.

And if you like to see some more pictures from the book, check this photo gallery from Time Magazine.

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