Wednesday, September 10, 2008

For FeedBurner Feeds That Are Hosted On Google Servers

feedburner Thanks everyone who wrote about an issue concerning the RSS feed of my blog. The problem is now resolved but if you are curious to know what happened, please read on.

*This is only relevant for FeedBurner feeds that are hosted on Google servers.

You probably know that FeedBurner is now integrated with Google and that some feeds are now served through a Google subdomain ( instead of

This transition is not live for all FeedBurner feeds yet but should happen soon as the AdSense for Feeds program becomes available.

Now I syndicate my feeds through the FeedBurner MyBrand that allows publishers to use their own domains ( instead of the default address.

To setup MyBrand, you need to create a new CNAME entry in the DNS records for your domain that looks something like this:

feeds CNAME

The problem occurred because the CNAME settings are now different for FeedBurner feeds that have been migrated to the Google sub-domain. The new settings are:

feeds CNAME

Once I updated the DNS records, the problem got resolved and Newsgator, Bloglines, FriendFeed, etc. are again picking up the new articles. The changes were not immediate and you could see the dreaded "404 Server Error" but that lasted only for 15 minutes.

I am a happy FeedBurner customer again. You may want to follow these steps as well once your blog gets approved for the AdSense for Feeds program.

And even if you are not using FeedBurner MyBrand but your feeds have been migrated to Google servers, you may want to updated all links in your blog templates that point to the old FeedBurner address.

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